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Not many South Africans would feel comfortable pulling over to the side of the road at night at the request of a car flashing blue lights. At the same time we know that ignoring the instructions of a police officer is an offence. Where does that leave you, driving home alone at night with blue lights flashing in your rear mirror? What do you do to stay on the right side of the law and protect yourself against criminals? Here is your answer. The Road Traffic Management Corporation and Justice Project South Africa have developed a protocol to be followed by any person who feels uncomfortable stopping for vehicles with flashing blue lights’.

The Road Traffic Management Corporation and Justice Project South Africa: Blue light protocol
Motorists are advised to study this advisory carefully and to commit the procedures to memory.  If you follow the instructions to a tee there should be no reason for you to become endangered by either legitimate or bogus police.

If you are followed by a vehicle, marked or not, with blue flashing lights and it indicates for you to pull over, particularly at night, you would be wise not to do so if you feel uneasy or unsure that they are genuine police.  Instead, it may be wise for you to indicate that you wish to proceed to a police station or public place before stopping. 

However you must bear in mind that not stopping for genuine police can immediately escalate the situation and may endanger you further if you do not take extreme care to abide by ALL OF the rules laid down here.

When indicating to the occupant/s of the vehicle following you that you wish to have them follow you to a place of safety do the following:

1. Stay calm

2. Slow right down and turn your hazard lights on and then:

3.Go to a police station

4.Go to a service station

Media enquiries may be directed to:
Gilberto Martins – Acting CEO of the RTMC – 083 387 4436 –
Howard Dembovsky – Chairperson of JPSA

There is a massive difference between evading, or fleeing from police and having them follow you to a place of safety.

Both members of the public and genuine police should feel comfortable with this protocol, since it offers protection from attack in an isolated place by moving the stop to a public place where witnesses and assistance should be around.

WARNING: If you follow ALL of these steps precisely and the people pursuing you start shooting at you do everything that you can to evade them and get away without endangering yourself and others.  Phone police immediately. 

Disclaimer: This protocol is released as is in the public interest and neither JPSA nor the RTMC can accept any liability whatsoever for any deviation from it by any person.